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Security Policy

1. Protecting Your Personal Information

LEEMAN Safe Shopping Guarantee – Protection Against Credit Card Fraud:

Shopping on LEEMAN is safe. Every credit card purchase is covered by our Safe Shopping Guarantee:

Under the Fair Credit Billing Act, your bank cannot hold you liable for more than $50.00 of fraudulent charges. If your bank does hold you liable for any of this $50.00, we will cover the liability for you, up to the full $50.00. We will only cover this liability if the unauthorized use of your credit card resulted through no fault of your own from purchases made on our website while using the secure server.

In the event of unauthorized use of your credit card, you must notify your credit card provider in accordance with its reporting rules and procedures.

2. Shop Safely and Securely

LEEMAN takes great pride in offering a safe and secure online shopping experience.

We understand that the safety of your personal information is extremely important to you. We use a wide array of electronic and physical security measures and devices to protect your personal data and credit card information from unauthorized access.

3. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL Technology)

LEEMAN uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to provide you with the safest, most secure shopping experience possible. SSL technology enables encryption (scrambling) of sensitive information, including passwords and credit card numbers, during your online transactions. All of the forms on our site are secured with SSL technology so your personal information stays safe and out of malicious hands.

You can also find verification of this certificate on some LEEMAN secure pages, like our checkout and billing pages. While on one of these pages, simply click on the check, key, or lock image in the top or bottom bar of your browser window. A window will appear with our site security information.

4. Industry Standard Firewalls

LEEMAN servers are protected by secure firewalls—communication management computers specially designed to keep information secure and inaccessible by other Internet users. So you’re absolutely safe while you shop.

SSL Technology and Industry Standard Firewalls all work together to ensure your privacy and to assist in protecting your personal data.

Free Worldwide shipping

On all orders above $50

Easy 30 days returns

30 days money back guarantee

International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

100% Secure Checkout

PayPal / MasterCard / Visa
